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Collar Stiffening Simpson Hybrid Sport

[Obr.: 10/26/55/7-collar-stiffening-simpson-hybrid-sport-1696356928.jpg]

Informácie o produkte

The Simpson Hybrid collar is a more modern and safer version of HANS collars. The Hybrid Sport model replaces the bestseller from the Simpson offer - Pro Rage.
The Hybrid Sport series is the basic version made of plastic and carbon fibers. The universal design allows you to use the collar in any motorsport area from Formula 1 to off-road rallies.
The products of the American company Simpson outperform the existing "standard" collars in many aspects:
1. Convenience - put on the back do not restrict head movements and do not compress the collarbones while riding with the straps fastened. The driver does not have to remove the collar after leaving the car and being in the depot. The weight that was important in the case of HANS flanges is not very important in the case of Hybrid, because the pressure force is evenly distributed over the player's body.
2. Functionality - the collar does not require the proper use of specially shaped bucket seats (HANS Friendly) or seat belts with specially narrowed shoulder straps.
3. Safety - HANS collars protect the driver's cervical vertebrae primarily against injuries resulting from a frontal collision. Hybrid thanks to the use of two double straps also provides protection in the event of a side impact.
He has FIA 8858-2002 homologations 
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Súvisiace produkty

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22mm dlhy závit
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STAR LOCK Sada 4ks + 1ks kľúč
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22mm dlhy závit
17mm orech
STAR LOCK Sada 4ks + 1ks kľúč
Skrutka kónus M12X1,25
22mm dlhy závit
17mm orech
STAR LOCK Sada 4ks + 1ks kľúč
Skrutka kónus M12X1,25
22mm dlhy závit
19mm orech
STAR LOCK Sada 4ks + 1ks kľúč
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26mm dlhy závit
17mm orech
STAR LOCK Sada 4ks + 1ks kľúč
Skrutka kónus M14X1,5
26mm dlhy závit
17mm orech
STAR LOCK Sada 4ks + 1ks kľúč
Skrutka kónus M14X1,5
26mm dlhy závit
17mm orech
STAR LOCK Sada 4ks + 1ks kľúč
Skrutka kónus M12X1,25
22mm dlhy závit
17mm orech

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