Black Edition Shifter 8HP DCT DKG DSG PDK - black knob

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[Obr.: 11/01/01/6-black-edition-shifter-8hp-dct-dkg-dsg-pdk-black-knob-1721738432.jpg]

Informácie o produkte

PMC MOTORSPORT Black Edition 8HP / DCT / DKG / DSG / PDK Shifter - black long knob    Introducing the innovative shifter for ZF 8HP and DCT DKG automatic transmissions that will provide you with exceptional driving experiences. Made from durable aluminum, this high-quality shifter is specifically designed for motorsport to improve gear change precision in your car. Gear shifting is carried out in the manner typical of sequential transmissions (+/-), with the use of springs providing excellent tactile feedback - the lever quickly returns to the center position. Thanks to its excellent materials and meticulous craftsmanship, the shifter not only guarantees an outstanding appearance but also exceptional durability. Equipped with non-contact position sensors, the shifter's precise shifting action is achieved with elements made from hardened steel separated by a high-load-resistant grease layer, ensuring a long product lifespan. Additionally, its ergonomic shape offers a comfortable grip, allowing for swift and smooth gear changes.   Our shifter, thanks to its universal base, is compatible with most cars available on the market, regardless of the make or model of your vehicle.   Two 3-wire cables come out of the shifter. Inside, two NPN-type sensors are used, powered by 5V DC. In the rest position, the black wire maintains the power supply voltage (5V), and when the sensor is activated after pressing the lever, the voltage on the black wire changes to GND. Wiring connection: Brown - 5V Blue - GND Black - signal !!! The shifter requires professional knowledge for installation and adjustment of the transmission control unit (TCU) !!! Our 8HP and DCT shifter is the perfect blend of durability, precision, and aesthetics. It will not only provide excellent control over your car but also elevate your driving experience. Discover new possibilities with our shifter!      Made in EU  ISO certificate 
ID: 4925068
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